Free Support
Klaxon Themes is a distributed software. That means that when you use our tools, you install them on sites we don’t control and they work together with plugins and other software that we don’t know about. We’re happy to help with issues that arise when working with our tools, but remember that we’re only one part of your project and we don’t guarantee 100% compatibility with every part.
By using distributed software you’ve implicitly agreed to being at least a part-time fixer, unless you already have a developer you’re working with to maintain your site. Be prepared to answer questions and get your hands dirty while we work through the problem together.
How we Support our Free Users
While it’s very costly for us to provide support for free users, we do offer a basic level of assistance via our support ticketing system. This includes the following:
- Answering questions about the features and capabilities of our products.
- Accepting any bug reports you may have discovered in our products.
What’s not included in free support:
- Logging into your site to investigate or fix any issues you have with your site
- Troubleshooting general WordPress issues (Please use the WordPress forums for that).
- Product modifications and code customizations
- Troubleshooting 3rd-party plugin integrations